Four different varieties
are grown:
the Runner 72%, the Virginia 20%,
the Spanish 7% and the Valencia 1%.
The Runner is aimed at the salted nut market for snacks as well as for peanut butter, which is very popular in the USA.
The Virginia which is larger in size, is used primarily for unshelled peanuts and nutrition bars.
The Spanish is smaller in size, and is playing an increasingly important role because of its earliness. It is harvested 20 days before the other varieties.
The Valencia is the oldest variety for connoisseurs, and is only available unshelled.
The peanut was discovered during the conquest of the New World and was brought back to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors.
Over the centuries, its cultivation spread to Asia, Africa and North America.
The nut is popular all over the world, but it is also grown for the production of peanut oil and peanut butter.

The peanut plant resembles the potato plant: a small yellow flower emerges between the stem and the leaves and buries itself under the ground. A shell is then formed which will contain the fruits: the peanuts.
The harvest extends from April to September depending on the region.
Once the peanuts are ripe, the plants are turned over and left to dry for 2 to 3 days in the field.
Next, the dried plants are collected and sorted to separate the peanuts and the leaves.
Our buyers/explorers regularly travel the entire world to select the best sources. They have selected quality producers in Argentina and the United States, with whom they have established excellent commercial relationships.
That’s why, at Menguy’s our peanuts
are always delicious!